
john mayer at red rocks

what a great time we had at the john mayer concert at red rocks. probably the best venue in america. what a show!

the royal gorge

here are a few shots from our trip to the royal gorge. what a beautiful place.

ok, we're making progress . . .

here's john david showing his typical distain for the best college in the country.

but here's aulora warming up to say "hook 'em horns!"

more fun in texas

here are more shots from our last trip to texas. some from graduation, six flags, chuck. e cheese, etc.


fun in texas

ok . . . i will just post a bunch of different pictures over the next couple of days from various events on our last trip. it was so much fun! longmont to san angelo to austin ti dallas to austin to longmont! woo hoo!! the biggie train was rolling!

you've probably seen a picture of this corn on Lala's blog, and you know what it is and the story behind it. what time is it????

Julia, John David and Elizabeth playing at Uncle Mike's house.

Here's Biggie doing Julia's nails. Two of my favorite girls in the whole world!

a day with mom

on our recent trip to dallas, i was able to spend the day with mom. even as her mind weakens, her spirit is strong and she is still so very sweet. it was good that the babies got to see her and she seemed to enjoy that, but i'm sure the memory was soon faded away with so many others. that's ok.


conGRADulations 2!

hey, 2 grads are better than 1! one starting their school career and the other nailing it shut. cool beans. way to go chief!!


it took a little longer than we all expected (thanks very much Matt) but it's all good! i am so proud of my boy . . .