
the best ever?

i'm trying really hard to remember, but honestly i don't think i've had a better birthday than this one. except possibly my real "birth" day. of course i don't recall much about that day. all i remember is the day started out like all of the other days prior, then all of the sudden it was so bright and people were talking and running around and poking me and wiping me off. that's about all i can remember. nah! i like this one way better!

but this birthday, wow. it's been special. yes i got some really great gifts. who wouldn't think an iPhone is one of the best gifts ever? and who has a wife that would give her man the ability to watch every single NFL game played for the season and trust him enough to know that he would never abuse that? (that's 13 games a week)

and who has a wife that would give her man no less than 4 birthday cards (and counting) that ALL play a song when opened?

and who has a wife that would serve her man breakfast in bed at 5:30 in the morning?

and who has a wife that goes out and decorates her mans car with streamers and balloons, even before the breakfast in bed!?

and plan a great dinner that evening with friends so they too can celebrate my birthday . . .

and how great is it that my birthday celebration will continue through the weekend with more surprises in the works?

and even better than that, how great is it that i can spend the rest of my life with this woman!?

and if you haven't read la's blog yet, well . . check this out
for davus

i'm a little overwhelmed with it all but hey, i'm willing to suffer through it!

here are a few pics from my special day . . .


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