
a day to remember

it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. now i know what that means. i drove to work today listening to radio stations replay the 5 year old audio from 9.11.01 as the tragic events in NYC unfolded before the eyes and ears of a nation in shock. i couldn't help but get caught up in similar emotions to the day it was happening. a similar looking morning. clear and sunny. light morning traffic. planning my day in my head. then evil raised it's ugly head from the east river and all hell broke loose in a matter of minutes. death would rain from the sky. we all know how it impacted and changed us collectively and individually forever.

and now 5 years later, only moments after reliving those terror filled moments, the worst of times transforms into the best of times. today we have welcomed life into our family once again. so new and so sudden that her name has yet to adorn her. beautiful and healthy. full of life. destined to be great.

the day will end with a bitter-sweet goodbye to jeremy as he heads back to austin. bitter, because i know we will miss him so much. sweet, because he's going to finish what he started. actually i prefer to think of it as beginning, not finishing. handsome and healthy. full of life. destined to be great. wow.

9.11 . . . what a day.


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