
fall brings change . . .

it's saturday september 2nd, and while technically it's still summer, fall is attempting to arrive early. yesterday it was cool (60's) and today it will be even cooler. i love this time of year. i love the early morning brisk air and chilly nights. in a couple of weeks we should begin to see the colorful changes taking place in the trees. this fall will bring other changes too . . .

in 10 days jeremy will be leaving to go back to austin. i have enjoyed him being here this spring and summer. i wish i hadn't let some of his "stuff" bother me. it's not that big of a deal really. i'm going to miss seeing him every day, his music, his humor, his help, and his work stories. i know he misses austin and his friends and he'll enjoy being back. i love that boy of mine.


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